Bárbara De Regil reveals the devil she went through with a bad cosmetic surgery

Barbara De Regil was characterized by sharing, through the multiple publications he makes on his social networks, the importance self-love and self-acceptance; however, despite his impressive physique, he did not always feel comfortable with his body.

Through several videos she shared on her official Instagram account, the actress confessed this during his adolescence she felt very insecure about her appearance, causing her to return to the scalpel and get a Breast enlargement: “When I was a teenager, they told me ‘La plana’ because I had no bumps, it traumatized me and made me very insecure. When I was growing up, the first time I had it, I went to an operating room to have my breasts operated on. “, He said.

But not everything went well, from the doctor who operated used implants, which caused serious complications in the health of the protagonist of ‘Rosario Tijeras’, for which she had to intervene again in case of emergency: “When I have surgery, I recover and the doctor tells me ‘you won’t believe what I found … your implants are used'”. De Regil confessed.

Barbara De Regil

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Barbara also reported that in order to repair all the damage she had done to her body, she had to undergo four operations and, despite the multiple scars they left on her, which she appreciates the most. now is her life and health: “I had many infections, the operations were to rebuild, to heal, a thousand things that made me very nervous.”

Actress Barbara

After this experience, the fitness trainer developed an extraordinary fear for the operating room, so he will never suffer from an aesthetic treatment; Although, he stressed, it is not against those who resort to them: “I do the operations, it scares me a lot, as you can imagine. I was left out of surgery, not one, I don’t want to, I’m very scared to go into surgery. But I have family and friends who did it with expert people and everything is going well “, concluded.

Surgery Barbara De Regil

See also: This is how Bárbara de Regil looked like a mother when she was only 16 years old
