Bad news !, Armando Manzanero and his health

Armando Manzanero is in the middle of one of the strongest fights of his life, in front of the current virus that affects the world and everything seemed to win the battle; however, there is bad news about the Yucatecan composer’s health.

The daughter of the composer from This afternoon I saw it raining She was approached outside the hospital, where the celebrity is hospitalized and fighting for his life and said that things changed suddenly from Sunday to Monday.

He mentioned that Armando Manzanero’s health was complicated from Sunday to Monday. Family and friends were very happy because everything indicated an improvement of the famous singer-songwriter; However, the Yucatecan had difficulty breathing and doctors had to take action.

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He shared that the composer’s oxygenation had improved, but after breathing problems, he had to be put on his side to help him oxygenate better.

We were very optimistic because yesterday all the indicators increased and yesterday he started again with difficulty breathing and they put him on his side again, he told the press outside the hospital.

He pointed out that besides Covid-19 What the famous man had in mind is that he must be inactive, because he is a rather industrious person; however, doctors try to help you with anxiety as well.

Something that shocked his followers and loved ones is that Armando Manzanero shared with his family what would be his last wish, he almost told them that if everything gets complicated, let him go. As he appeared, the Yucatecan composer made a video call to his family to share his feelings and pointed out that if things were complicated, they did not intuit him.

Manzanero knows that most people who are intubated do not survive or are left with sequelae and it is something he does not want to go through; therefore the interpreter of Nothing personal indicated that he should not be intubated, even if his health condition is complicated.

The singer-songwriter began to show symptoms of Covid-19 after visiting the city of Mérida, Yucatán, where he received a tribute to his career. According to Carlos Cuevas, during the event the famous man was always in good health and without a single symptom to indicate that the virus is in his body; he even made a presentation to those present.

Cuevas assumes that at that time Professor Manzanero was already a coronavirus carrier, calculating the incubation time and making sure that the entire sanitary protocol was performed at that place to preserve the health of those present.

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The singer denied that the 85-year-old composer was intubated and that, fortunately, his health was stable. However, he stressed that the Yucatecan requires assisted breathing, ie an oxygen tank.

Another character who fights too Covid-19 is the producer Juan Osorio. A few days ago, his partner and friend Gustavo Quiroz announced that Emilio Osorio’s father had had a respiratory crisis for a few days and, although his condition was delicate, he was stable.

Now, Osorio confessed that he came to say goodbye to his loved ones, children and grandchildren, since he came to believe that he would not survive the virus. The producer said that, through a door, he said goodbye to his children who will not stop crying and a video call to communicate with his grandchildren.

Fortunately, both stars continue to fight Covid-19 and are medically assisted by specialists, we hope that the news will be positive very soon.
