Average consumption increases to 346,160 due to Hurricanes Eta and Iota

Tegucigalpa. Empresa Energía Honduras (EEH) closed the fourth year of operation of the Enee distribution system with a deterioration of several indicators.

In November 2020, average values ​​totaled 346,160, according to the latest monthly report from Manitoba Hydro International (MHI), which is due to the impact of Hurricanes Eta and Iota.

Last year, the highest results were in March with 833,156 and 468,782 in April, which was explained by isolation measures to contain the spread of coronavirus.

According to the explanations of the directors of EEH, which operates the distribution system of the National Electricity Company since August 2016, the traffic restrictions prevented the measuring personnel from performing the respective readings. The goal of Empresa Energía Honduras was to close the previous year with 150,000 average consumptions, a commitment that the consortium of national and Colombian capital could not fulfill.

The outcome. The increase in average readings from November of the previous year has a number of explanations. According to the MHI report, the EEH contract supervisor, the covid-19 pandemic and hurricanes Eta and Iota triggered cases of average consumption.

It is added that out of the 346,160 cases from November 2020, 52.46% (186,163) are related to the Eta and Iota effect, while 47.54% (164,547) correspond to the news averages associated with reading.

In October, cases totaled 204,375, an increase of 69.37%.

Sectors. The increase in average readings in November of the previous year has a number of explanations, and one of them is the increase in consumption in the residential sector. In November 2020, they totaled 326,739, higher than the 193,594 of the previous month, with an increase of 133,145, mostly in the northwestern part of the country, the region most affected by natural phenomena in the penultimate month of the year last. The commercial sector is the second with the most cases, with 15,891, higher than 8,975 in October 2020.

These two consumption sectors represent 98.9% of the average reading cases.
