Australian Open 2021 day 11, semifinals: Naomi Osaka v Serena Williams – live! | Sports









For those who did not watch the 2018 US Open final, this pair suffered controversy while on the field together. In that decision at Flushing Meadows, where Williams, after receiving three key code violations, called the umpire a “thief” and imploded in the second set, while Osaka kept his nerve to win. Williams then had to stop the booed fans throughout the Osaka trophy ceremony.

Of course, that was essentially the first thing Williams asked after defeating Simona Halep in the quarterfinals on Tuesday and receiving only praise for Osaka.

“I’ve been following her and I’m sure she’s following me and I feel like this is such a good opportunity for me to do my best,” she said.

The pair faced off in the meantime, with Williams defeating Osaka in Toronto in 2019.

In other words, it could be anyone’s.


Today it is a perfect picture of Melbourne Park. The temperature is around 30 ° C, kept under control by a light breeze that rustles the leaves in the imposing gums near yard 5. In Garden Square, participants relax by a puttering fountain. There is a relaxed holiday mood around the premises after the five-day lockdown.

For the first time at this event there are participants who mill freely around the field. The three walled areas have been removed, with only two locations now used for the end of the tournament activity. Instead, crowds are limited to 7,477 per session. Most of them for this part of the day are about to enter Rod Laver Arena for the women’s semifinal between Naomi Osaka and Serena Williams.

Tennis fans.

Fans! Tennis fans. Andy Brownbill / AP




The sun shines. Mercury hovers around 30C. There are once again new Covid cases purchased locally in Victoria. And the crowds were left back in Melbourne Park for the first time in five days of empty stands. You could say that things are pretty sweet at the Australian Open on the 11th of the first grand slam of the year. How could things get better? What do you say, you say? A pleasant women’s semifinal with two of the best and most fun players on the planet? Oh lordy, yes, please.

Serena Williams and Naomi Osaka I’m on Rod Laver Arena for the first time today, where they will be eliminated for a place in Saturday’s final. Williams, of course, is pursuing a tie for the 24th Grand Slam title and has given all indications so far in Melbourne that this could be the tournament in which he finally draws with Margaret. Court.


* So * many heartbreaking points were concluded by @serenawilliamsrocket this week.

Here’s 3️⃣! #AusOpen | # AO2021

February 18, 2021

But there is a major obstacle in her way in the form of Osaka, who has been just as fit and seems able to add a fourth grand slam title to her booming collection. It is a budding classic potential. He’s not going anywhere.

Hot on the heels are Jennifer Brady and Karolina Muchova, as it is, it is fair to say, a much less anticipated meeting, though one that is nonetheless fascinating. And completing tonight’s game is the number 1 male Novak Djokovic and Russian qualifier Aslan Karatsev.

Drop your belts. And get in touch if you want; send an email to [email protected] or tweet @emmavkemp.
