At Real Madrid I felt I didn’t believe in myself: Keylor Navas

Mexico City /

Concacaf player winner on the Old Continent, Keylor Navas, he confessed in an interview for PSG official magazine, the team where he currently plays.

Navas’s words were strong, he points out that when he was at Real Madrid, I have not seen that there is total trust in him by the whole clubas he competed against Polite.

The Costa Rican goalkeeper assures that now at PSG the atmosphere is different, he thinks he has all the support, both from the fans and from the dressing room.

“When I arrived (at Real Madrid) I didn’t try to show that I’m better than Iker and that my career will be more successful than his. I just tried to take advantage of the opportunity they gave me to work hard, humbly and do my best. also what I came to Paris to do, to do my best and to raise as many titles as possible with my teammates, for the fans and for my family. “

“When I arrived in Paris, I felt the affection of the club, they received me incredibly well. In Spain I had the feeling that part of the club did not believe in me completely“, He said.

On behalf of the fans, he has no doubt that they always supported him when he was in the meringue box, but now it is due to PSG.


