Armando González “El Muñeco” reveals that he was abused by Lorena Herrera

Armando González “The Doll”, revealed that in his early years marriage with Lorena Herrera, suffered abuse on his part, “They gave me two (slaps), very at first yes, it’s that Lorena at the time when I was with her, she was at a time when she was at the top of her fame, everyone was looking for her and all that,” he says.

Ex-singer he confessed how he reacted to slapped what gave him “I don’t know, maybe, at some point, I caught her in a bad situation, and she slapped me once and slapped me again and I told her last time, don’t slap me anymore because otherwise we would not have continued ”.

Armando said to himself victim of violence from women, because that occasion She was not alone were was mistreated of o former partner, “Yes, I was a victim of violence, my mother and father taught me to never respect a woman”, said in an interview for ‘Ventaneando’.

This is what “El Muñeco” confessed:

To give an example, “El Muñeco” commented that in his current relationship he also received abuse, „My current wife he gave it to me two palms“I think I already have the role that I have to receive two slaps in order to get well involved”commented the.

“El Muñeco” gave another example of violence who suffered, “My son’s mother … she he broke a glass in my mouth one day, he threw me another glass, opened me here, tried to bite me … that is, there were always things like that and I suffered violence from women ”.

armando gonzález abuse lorena herrera slapped the women

Regarding other issues, Armando also said that he understands the actors Eleazar ‘N’ and Ricardo ‘N’ those who are in prison, so that we remember that in 20212, he also remained in prison and due to the fact that some friends from Tepito defended him, they could not harm him.

I was in jail Also because of a situation that happened to me there and I consider them because I know what is happening, I was only there for two days, I was born in a neighborhood called Tepito so I met a lot of people there and they sheltered me the truth a lot “, He commented.

armando gonzález abuse lorena herrera slapped the women

Armando reiterated that knowing someone in prison is essential in order not to suffer extortion inside the place, “It’s very difficult, because the situation is very complicated in these places, it helps a lot to meet someone there because you get there yes, i can urge you And since I met there, then the truth has been a very nice adventure, but the truth is that I say:It must feel very, very bad“I send you a hug and I hope all that happens will be restored.”, was concluded.
