Apple removes Parler from App Store after failing to take “appropriate action” to address dangerous content

Apple today confirmed that it has chosen to suspend Parler from the App Store, saying the so-called “biased, free-to-use social media” app has failed to take “appropriate action to address the proliferation” of human security threats. . Apple said that “there is no place on our platform for threats of violence and illegal activity” and noted that Parler will remain unavailable on the App Store until and until these issues are resolved.

speech application

Apple’s full statement to MacRumors:

We have always supported various points of view represented on the App Store, but there is no place on our platform for threats of violence and illegal activity. Parler has not taken appropriate steps to address the proliferation of these threats to human safety. We have suspended Parler from the App Store until these issues are resolved.

Apple first sent a letter to Parler on Friday morning stating that it had received “numerous complaints about unacceptable content” in the app and allegations that the Parler app was “used to plan, coordinate and facilitate illegal activities in Washington.” DC on January 6, 2021, “referring to the revolt in the United States Chapter that led to the loss of human lives, injuries and destruction of property.

Apple said Parler “still appears to be used to plan and facilitate other illegal and dangerous activities” and gave the app 24 hours notice to send an update and “a moderation improvement plan” or face removal. from the App Store. In a subsequent letter to Parler, Apple now says that “the processes that Parler has implemented to moderate or prevent the spread of dangerous and illegal content have proved insufficient.”

According to Apple, Parler said he had taken harmful content “very seriously for weeks” and intended to implement moderation efforts “for now,” but Apple said a temporary “task force” was not a sufficient response. given the widespread proliferation of harmful content, “which led to Parler’s suspension today.

Apple’s second letter to Parler in its entirety:

For Parler application developers,

Thank you for your response to the dangerous and harmful content on Parler. We’ve determined that the measures you describe are inappropriate to address the proliferation of dangerous and unacceptable content in your application.

Parler has failed to comply with its commitment to moderate and remove harmful or dangerous content, encouraging violence and illegal activity, and does not comply with the App Store review guidelines.

In your response, you mentioned that Parler takes this content “very seriously for weeks.” However, the processes that Parler has implemented to moderate or prevent the spread of dangerous and illegal content have proved insufficient. Specifically, we continued to find direct threats of violence and calls to incite illegal actions, in violation of Guide 1.1 – Security – Content that can be rejected.

Your answer also refers to a “for now” moderation plan that does not meet the current requirements of Guidance 1.2 – Security – User-Generated Content. Although there is no perfect system to prevent all dangerous or detestable content from users, applications must have solid content moderation plans to proactively and effectively address these issues. A temporary “working group” is not a sufficient response, given the widespread proliferation of harmful content.

For these reasons, your app will be removed from the App Store until we receive an update that complies with the App Store review guidelines and you have demonstrated your ability to moderately and effectively filter out dangerous and harmful content from your service.

Application Review Board

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