AOC mocks Wall Street scandal over GameStop growth

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez mocked Wall Street on Wednesday for trying to block a Reddit message board that helped GameStop stocks grow.

“We have to admit that it’s really something to see Wall Streeters with a long history of treating our economy like a casino complaining about a billboard that treats the market like a casino,” said the Bronx Democrat. posted on Twitter.

She added in another tweet, “Anyway, tax the rich.”

Ocasio-Cortez alluded to the famous Reddit forum “WallStreetBets”, which became private briefly late Wednesday, after the group’s Discord channel was banned due to “hate speech”. The subreddit was made public again shortly thereafter.

“The AOC has turned its back on us,” he read in a forum post, along with a screenshot of the Twitter thread from Ocasio-Cortez.

GameStop and AMC Entertainment received earnings of 134 percent and 301 percent in one day, with the help of the Reddit message board, which sent institutional Wall Street hedge funds into a frenzy.
