Ansu Fati has undergone surgery again and is setting off alarms in Barcelona

BARCELONA – Ansu Fati’s recovery keeps Barcelona in suspense and has gone from worrying to sounding the alarm.

The young Barça striker, who underwent surgery on 9 November for a ruptured internal meniscus in his left knee that was to keep him out for four months, underwent surgery again in January and is not ruled out he returns to go through the operating room. The news, advanced by TV3, could be confirmed by ESPN, so it will most likely not play this season.

The main objective of the doctors, as well as of the club and the footballer himself, is to recover his knee one hundred percent, not wanting to set any kind of deadlines that respect the young people of Ansu, aged 18, and to put the recovery more above all. .

On Tuesday, ESPN already reported that the player’s recovery was not as expected and therefore it was considered that his reappearance, originally expected in mid-March, would be delayed, so as not to assume any kind of risk. However, the situation is more worrying than it seemed.

The second operation of the footballer, directed again by Dr. Cugat, was performed in the absolute secrets, at the express wish of Ansu and Barcelona, ​​aware of the situation, did not give any information about it. In fact, the club’s last statement about the player dates back to January 4, a few days before the second intervention.

However, the forecasts are not the best. Last week, ESPN found out that the inflammation of the knee when he forced physical work was a constant and this forced him to stop, reducing his exercises, being examined again by Dr. Cugat and evaluating the possibility of a third operation, which will be decided in the next few weeks if it doesn’t seem to be improving.
