Another Paradox game jumps on the table, blowing the Kickstarter goal

Illustration of the article entitled Another paradox game jumps on the table, goes beyond the goal of Kickstarter

Picture: Stellaris

After like so The crusading kings effort, another Paradox strategy title—Stellarisis on its way to board games after successfully achieving its Kickstarter funding goal.

Not that the goal was ever questioned – for a major Kickstarter board game, it rarely is – but still, at the time of publication, almost 6,000 people supported it / ordered a copy for about $ 940,000 in total funding.

Stellaris The video game is an extensive 4X business where you try to build a huge space empire and are responsible for everything from building things on planets to diplomacy, to research, to deciding what weapons to put on your spaceships. .

The board game … looks pretty similar! What I especially like is that it has simultaneous planning, which means that a lot of downtime “I’m still thinking about giving me a minute” is eliminated. Also cool: each game lasts only about two hours, but you can expand and continue civ in several sessions, going down into the research trees as you go.

You can see more pictures with minis and art Here.
