Anji Mito and his little glasses return to Guilty Gear Strive

Are you his No. 1 fan?

Arc System Works saw the launch of a new trailer for the continuation of the punch in the new year Guilty Gear Strive, which launches on PS4, PS5 and PC in April. As it was teased a few months ago, the hard-rock video from the yew sees the return of the beautiful fan-flinger Anji Mito.

Beginning in the 2000s Guilty Gear X, Anji Mito is a man with somewhat divided loyalties, being on both sides of the moral compass during his time in GG franchise. Combining energetic dancing with quick attacks from his ancient and mystical fans – The Zessen – Anji Mito is both unpredictable and hard to identify in battle, posing a threat to his opponent from anywhere on the battlefield.

You can check out the boy in the new video below, the problems have never looked so good.
