Aninda Belinda and Christian Nodal with Capi Pérez, reveal

The “HeadsPérez is distinguished by the fact that he is one of the most joking conductors in the environment and not many of the figures can stand his acid humor, they were Belinda and Christian Nodal who would not react in the best way to your comments. Does the driver reveal what was the reason for his anger?

Recently, “Capi” Perez, who was present in the program of the youtuber Luisito, communicates “In the curtains”, where the presenter of “Joy came“, he was interviewed, in that space he revealed about the problem he would have had with the singer, Belinda and Christian Nodal.

It should be noted that the three did not exchange words, but the driver explained that, after a comment, he considered that the two most popular figures of the moment, Belinda and Nodal, would have been upset.

Carlos “Capi Pérez” is one of the regional artist’s followers and frequently comments on each of his posts, however, in one of them, a comment would have angered the couple after “Capi” reacted to a publication: “Only Don’t change it for Daniela luján“, He wrote in one of the artist’s publications.

These comments would not have been to the liking of the presenter who explained that the lover of “Buy“and interpreter of”Goodbye love“They didn’t like it and deleted it. My heart ached,” he says.

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It was a comment for which he received many “appreciations”, he pointed out, who at one point thought that Nodal would laugh, however, it was the opposite.

I thought that when Christian Nodal saw my comment, he would laugh and, in one of them, he would already want to be my friend, he added.

The host of the program “The resolanaHe points out that his message was deleted from the publication and, although he later tried to apologize by saying that “it wasn’t a bad deal”, they left it in plain sight.

Belinda and Christian Nodal are today one of the most controversial couples in the show and there is not a day that something is not said about them.

As it is known, their relationship appeared in the middle of the television show “The voice“And since they shouted their love for the four winds, they have both been tasked with clarifying and showing that there is no advertising strategy behind their relationship.

The singer “En el amor no hay que perdonar” and the original sound artist and winner of the reality show “La Voz”, went through various controversies that they managed to overcome, they decided to silence the comments posted in a one way or another the feeling that unites them.

From tattoos, gifts, publications and even magazine covers together, Belinda and Christian Nodal keep their followers on the steps they take.

Both claimed that they have a great love for each other, so nothing could separate them, however, if the singer originally from Spain and based in Mexico for several years has not endured for many years is that at some point, the name they and those of Daniela Luján are related.

Although on many occasions he clarified that there is no conflict with the actress, however, the driver’s comment would show the opposite.

On the other hand, the 28-year-old singer will make her fans’ dreams come true after she made her return to the screens known with the next participation in the reality show “La Voz Kids 2021”, the launch of the show is scheduled for March of this year.

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Together with María José, Mau, Ricky and Camilo, Belinda will form the coaching team that will seek to lead the best team of new children’s talents.
