Andy Ruiz shows the speed and strength he has gained with the Canelo team

Mexico City /

The rewards of hard work begin to bear fruit in the ring. And that’s it Andy ruiz He recently returned to show the speed and power he gains above the ring, once in his hands. Eddy Reynoso and was part of The Canelo team.

The boxer visited over the weekend Capetillo & TM Boxing Gym LLC, that the Mexican commands, Jorge Capetillo, in the Las Vegas, Nevada, Where He took the opportunity to put on his gloves and hold a demonstration above the ring., impressing that he could see the video on the social networks of the coach from Guadalajara.

In the video that lasts a few seconds, you can see destroyer throw a combination of fists with sufficient speed and strengthEven in a few hours, the video managed to exceed 19,000 views.

Throw the pressure

It will be April 24 next year when Andy ruiz return to the ring for a fight that will be against the Mexican-American Chris Arreola, which immediately took the pressure off and ensured that destroyer He is the one obliged in the contest they will hold.

“I am very excited to fight another Mexican. He became the first Mexican heavyweight champion, it shocked the world. But all the pressure is on him and not on me; he wants to come back, so everyone expects him to do something wonderful. Although, as I said, I’m trying to get where he is, “he said in an interview with ES News.
