Andy Ruiz and his shocking transformation thanks to coach ‘Canelo’ Álvarez | Box

It’s been a little over nine months since then Eddy Reynoso, the famous coach of Saúl Álvarez, announced that Andy ruiz would join “their ranks” to begin training under their command. Today, the Mexican American boxer he is already proud of the shocking physical change.

After being defeated by the British Anthony Joshua In search of approving his heavyweight titles, the boxer decided to make a radical career change, so in January 2020 he broke off his relationship with the coach who had led him to be crowned, Manny Robles, and four months later began training with “Canelo” Álvarez’s physical coach.

Thus, after almost 10 months of hard work to get in shape and fight again, the boxer Andy Ruiz is already boasting through its social networks shocking physical change which he obtained from his hand Eddy Reynoso.

andy ruiz

Andy Ruiz has lost 25 kilograms and wants to fight again

Remember that just a few weeks ago, – Mexican Rocky‘confessed to another coach and friend, Jorge Capetillo, that it already existed I’ve lost 25 pounds so far, so he declared himself ready to return to the ring in a big way.

And that’s it Andy Ruiz has not fought since December 2019, when he lost the world titles he had won in Saudi Arabia Anthony Joshua six months before in Madison Square Garden, beating him in the seventh round and becoming the first world heavyweight champion of Mexican descent.

This is what Andy Ruiz looked like in his last fight in 2019

Abdy ruiz

That’s what Andy Ruiz looked like in his last fight. (Getty Images).

andy ruiz

That’s what Andy Ruiz looked like in his last fight. (Getty Images).
