Ana Paula Capetillo talks about her exercises and diet

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In her video, Ana Paula showed some photos of her change, being her key discipline to get the best version (although the first weeks were the most difficult).

“I think it’s a constancy; is to go the days you intend to go. At first I went three times a week, then four, then five, right now I go every day, but if one day I feel very tired, no, I go that day. If one day my body tells me “we won’t get up, we have to rest”, it’s also very important that listen to your body“.

“To enter into these new habits and into this new discipline. It was hard for me to wake up so early to go to the gym. […] There were days when I really cried in the bathroom, I was crying because I didn’t want to go to the gym because I was so tired. The truth was, it was hard to make the change, but it was only about a week or two and your body was adjusting, but yes, for the lifestyle I led, it was very unhealthy, well, yes, it was a big shock to my bodyhe revealed.

In her video, Ana Paula showed some photos of her change, being her key discipline to achieve the best version (although the first weeks were the most difficult).

“I think it’s constant; is to go the days you intend to go. At first I went three times a week, then four, then five, right now I go every day, but if one day I feel very tired, no, I go that day. If one day my body tells me “we won’t get up, we have to rest”, it’s also very important that listen to your body“.

“To enter into these new habits and into this new discipline. It was hard for me to wake up so early to go to the gym. […] There were days when I really cried in the bathroom, I was crying because I didn’t want to go to the gym because I was so tired. The truth was, it was hard to make the change, but it was only about a week or two and your body was adjusting, but yes, for the lifestyle I led, it was very unhealthy, well, yes, it was a big shock to my bodyhe revealed.
