Ana Bárbara reveals the “hell” she lived through during her relationship with El Pirru

“I had to give up my studies, I had to make absolute changes in order to be able to bring that dynamic of a mother who had a child, a mother who in less than a year had four because remember that on the wedding night I am pregnant with Chema, I planned to wait two years for myself (…) they were just children “, the singer commented during this interview with journalist Mara Patricia Castañeda.

“I have to admit that I have a maternal instinct from birth. I love babies, I adore this vulnerability because I was a girl who suffered difficult situations,” she confessed. “I think that’s where my share of protection came from for my children, the babies in the womb and Paula, Emilio and María as much as possible.”

Paula Levy and Ana Bárbara
Paula Levy and Ana Bárbara

Also, being a good mother is her priority. “Paula, Emilio and María are already adults and with my young children because there I still hope that all this will work for me, because the emotional problems are complicated and you have to be there giving them love and limits,” he concluded .

In that interview with Mara, the singer talked about how complicated her divorce from Pirru was because not only did her relationship with him end, but she had to break up with Paula and José Emilio: “I’m not going to I judge Pirru or anyone else because he will know how things happened, I just said it was very painful because I did not lose a family, I lost everything, I was left in the middle of nowhere, trembling emotional. There’s an image I’ll never forget, in his room in Cancun, saying, “Mom, why does the house feel so lonely?” It’s very painful and it’s something no one can tell you to live It is almost a death, for a family to die is something very painful “, he explained.
