An alternative medicine center that sold fake covid-19 vaccines has been shut down

A interinstitutional operation It took place on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, at noon, in a center in alternative therapies located in the neighborhood Caupicho, south of Quito. According to the municipal authorities, they were allegedly traded false vaccines in patients who have contracted covid-19.

Cesar Diaz, The Secretary for Security and Governance of the City Hall, reported that evidence of people who came to this establishment. “10 daily shifts were offered coronavirus cure and other health issues as well. ” research it was verified that the owner of the respective center provided 70,000 doses. He added that this site charged $ 15 for presumed vaccine and each person was to receive three doses.

Cristian ParedesThe deputy mayor of Pichincha said the complaints had been received for a week. “A job of Intelligence Besides Municipality. We have photos, videos and enough arguments to see the bad practice going on. “

When the operation began, the patients who were there were evacuate. Owner Alternative medicine, Lucia Peñafiel, said that there are no vaccines, but vitamins and serums to raise people’s defenses.

Also treatments with laser beams and with light cars infrared. “We’ve treated about 20,000 coronavirus patients here.” I gave them too vitamin C, paracetamol and back for those with back pain.

In that place, users they did not use a mask and they crowded together waiting their turn to be served. Peñafiel indicated that police, military and officials from Presidency of the Republic, who were treated with infrared therapy. “We put heat on them that works as if we gave them oxygen.”

Neighbors were upset when the authorities arrived and asked not to cloister the store. “I am tired of covid-19 and the doctor saved me. I think the Virgin also protects us because we are devoted. People came here in very bad conditions, “he said. Angelica Masa.

“My 90-year-old mother did well C vitamin and with the treatment in the hot bed, it was like that for two months ” Carmen Parra. He said 12 relatives have the same problem, and Viteri healed them.

Isabel Bunshe and her husband Jose Chavez they also became ill. “My children wanted to take my husband to the hospital and I didn’t want to. I brought him to Alternative medicine and it’s okay, now he’s looking for work to support us. ”

In today’s speech, officials from Metropolitan Control Agency, The Police Department, the Security Secretariat, the Metropolitan Corps of Agents, the Ministry of Health and the National Agency for Health Regulation, Control and Surveillance (Arcsa).

In its Twitter account, AMC reported “we closed a clandestine medical center where a “vaccine” was offered for covid-19 without any operation or permission from the competent authorities. A sanctioning process has been initiated against the owners of this business. ”
