America will come to win even with team B: Potro Gutiérrez

Mexico City /

On Monday, America will travel to Honduras to confront Olympics in the party The eighth final from Concachampions, although his presence is already starting to generate comments in that country, where it is constantly indicated that he will use a “B team”.

However, to calm things down, Raúl “Potro” Gutiérrez, who directs Real Spain, another heavyweight club in the Catracha league, pointed out that the Eagles they will seek to win the game and take advantage, no matter the name.

“If America comes with a B team, it will come to win, that people don’t get confused. As an ex-Americanist I say it: with beginners, with experience or with those who come will want to winhe told the newspaper Ten from Honduras.

He insisted that the size of the club requires him to get good results, apart from competition and the court, so that anyone who doubts their commitment “does not know the roots of that team.”

In America they do not want Concachampions

The Eagles have not released the names of the players they will take to the match, although they have already done so Santiago Banos, its sports president, had exterminated upset from the club for participating in the tournament, because from an economic point of view it contributes “nothing # and the players are exposed to the risk of injury.
