America, the one that shines from Mexico at the Concachampions

Unlike Cruz Azul and León who disappointed in their matches, América was dominant and heading for an easy qualification to the quarterfinals of the Concachampions

MEXICO – America is heading for a simple classification towards the quarterfinals of Concachampions.

In the first duels in the round of 16, America from Santiago Solari He was serious and strong, enough aspects that helped him get a 1-2 victory over Olympia in Honduras.

And, unlike the leader of the MX League, Blue Cross, or the current champion of Mexican football, Lion, The eagles did not have complexes that would practically define equality and finish it in a week at the Azteca stadium.

The biggest winner of the Concachampions, with seven titles, took seriously the first match in Honduras, as well as Solar sent some of its owners to the field. This paid off so that the Eagles had proper management of the game so that they did not suffer against the Catracho team.

Instead, the cement machine stalled on Tuesday against a limited Arcahaie in Haiti.

Juan Reynoso, DT celestes, used an alternate team. Even so, he started as a favorite against the Caribbean team. However, he did not look good and took a very tasteless 0-0.

In turn, Lion he wasted his home by a 1-1 draw against an iron MLS Toronto.

Nacho Ambriz’s students were superior, but they continually failed in the face of the Canadian goal. This result seriously jeopardizes the classification of Esmeraldas for the next phase, because in a week it is decided the equality of visit.

Waiting for what he does Monterrey In the sight Athletic Pantoja Thursday, America He did not disappoint and stated that he is going with all his might to win the eighth title in the continental competition.
