Alexis Valdés calls on Cubans who felt represented in the European Parliament

9 | 26/02/2021 – 18:33 (GMT-4)

The Cuban comedian and actor Alexis Valdes appealed to all Cubans who felt represented by the testimonies of a group of island representatives in a virtual meeting with the European Parliament on Friday, following the repercussions of the issue Homeland and life.

The director and producer also said that, in addition to the resounding support he received, publications in Cuban accounts went online and said that what was said about Cuba “does not represent Cubans”, many of them being false or the accounts of official institutions of the Cuban government.

“Many people said that they liked the discussion, that they were moved by everyone’s testimonies and, as always, some fake accounts or accounts managed by the Cuban government said that we do not represent Cubans. That is why I would like those who they felt represented to put their name here [en la publicación] because it’s good and the whole world knows how many people feel represented, “Alexis said on her social media.

In less than an hour, Alexis’s post on Facebook adds over 1,500 comments with the names of Cubans who felt represented in front of the European Parliament, and on Instagram around 400.

This Friday, more than 10 members of Cuban civil society attended the virtual meeting “Homeland and life: art and politics united by Cuba” in the European Parliament and, in addition to sharing the repression and censorship that they lived in their own fleshThey also made visible issues such as freedom of expression; persecution and defamation of activists, artists and journalists; economic and agro-ecological situation; femicides and the lack of protection of women; emigration, exile, regulations, the precarious health system, among others.

Cuban panelists included Alexis Valdés, art curator Anamely Ramos, writer Wendy Guerra, artists Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara and Maykel Osorbo, director Asiel Babastro, and musicians and representatives of Cuban exile in Miami, Willy Chirino and Arturo Sandoval.

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