Álex Saab says his extradition has been frozen and it’s not true that a US plane is going for him – Investigative Unit

The United States estimates that, after the Cape Verde Court of Appeal has approved the extradition of Álex Saab, Nicolás Maduro’s designated figurehead, it will be a matter of 20 days before he is handed over to the DEA.

But the reports of Saab and its defense are different and in fact in communication with EL TIEMPO they assure that the information that an American plane has arrived in that country to retrieve it —Confirmed by Federal Agents— it is false and sensational.

(We invite you to read: US Sends Plane and Prosecutors to Cape Verde by Álex Saab)

Saab trade

This is the office where Jorge Arreaza announces that Álex Saab is an authorized ambassador.

Indeed, in a statement they just issued, they warn that the extradition has literally been frozen.

(You may be interested: Cape Verde court gives way to extradition of Saab)

“I would like to remind you that Álex Saab has been illegally detained in Cape Verde for over 200 days. This detention is illegal not only because Mr Saab is a diplomat who held and continues to perform official duties. The detention is also illegal because it was issued on June 12 in accordance with an arrest warrant issued by the state without the accompanying red Interpol circular. The red notice was hastily issued the next day, June 13, ”the defense said.

The prosecutor's office seized properties in Cartagena and Barranquilla from businessman Alex Saab, who has been internationally identified as an alleged frontman of Venezuela's president Nicolás Maduro.

Nicolás Maduro tries to grant Saab diplomatic immunity by appointing him plenipotentiary ambassador.

Authorized representative

And after recalling that Saab was a ‘special envoy’ from Venezuela and is now a permanent ambassador and plenipotentiary in Africa, they insist that his detention is illegal, ‘on the basis that the period between the US extradition request and now, when the extradition process is far from over, has exceeded the constitutional limit of 80 days more than two and a half times“.

(Plus: America’s Secret Plan So Alex Doesn’t Run Saab)

And they reiterate that the West African Court of Justice (Cedeao) “whose sentences are binding and not subject to appeal” has ordered extradition proceedings to be suspended pending its ruling on the legality of Saab’s arrest.

Therefore, they say that Cape Verde’s claim that it is not subject to the rulings of the Court is false. And they regret that credibility is being given to reports that the US has already sent a plane to get Saab out of Cape Verde, which they describe as “very damaging to current legal proceedings. sub judice in the Supreme Court of Cape Verde and the Court of Justice of the Community of Cedeao “.

(You may be interested: This is Álex Saab’s credit card tangling 2 Colombians)

The US response.

United States sources reiterated the importance of their justice in obtaining the extradition of Saab, which they consider a key element of the Maduro regime.

In fact, they had expected to EL TIEMPO that, in addition to a legal and military panel, the judiciary would get moving again in the coming weeks with the expansion of investigations, with new names added to the file.

(In context: why is Piedad Córdoba still in the DEA file on Álex Saab?)

While Saab’s defense says the rendition process is “far from over,” it’s for the United States in the final stretch.

The Supreme Court, which has asked for clarification on the procedure in the past, has the file in hand and will be able to decide whether to confirm or release the decision of the Court of Appeal to extradite the regime’s file.

(See here all articles of the research unit x of EL TIEMPO)

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