Álex Saab: He was transferred to a secret place, in the prison of his home – Investigation Unit

While the defense of Álex Saab, named Nicolás Maduro’s frontman, is sending out statements saying Cape Verde is sabotaging the order to house him, sources in that country assure the measure has just been carried out.

“He was transferred to house arrest this afternoon on the south side of Sal Island, on a release order, under a strong security device.” local sources reported this afternoon.

(We invite you to read: Saab is still in prison and a judge who was supposed to take him home has covid)

The transfer took place in the final hours, after his defense assured that they were sabotaging the Barlovento Court of Appeals’ decision to grant him that benefit.

Saab has been held in Terra Boa prison since June 12, 2020 and will now remain under house arrest, under close surveillance, and in charge of a national police unit that has already demarcated a security zone.

(You may be interested: Note: Álex Saab is grounded)

Despite the fact that on Thursday, January 21, the Barlavento Court of Appeals granted the demands for house arrest, the injunction was not officially notified. Cynically, this will result in Ambassador Saab being held in custody until at least Monday, Given that today is a public holiday in Barlavento, all this prolongs the psychological torture of Ambassador Saab, ” the defense said last weekend in light of the delays in granting house arrest.

(In Context: US Expands Investigation Against Relatives and Close Employees of Álex Saab)

What’s next now?

Meanwhile, Cape Verde’s Supreme Court is preparing to decide whether or not to extradite Saab, which the United States considers a key sign to reach for the gold and dollars that have come out of Venezuela and have agreements with Iran, Turkey and Russia closed.

(In context: what does the US say about Saab as Maduro’s plenipotentiary ambassador?)

His defense announced that he had requested the direct intervention of Cedeao’s heads of state to hold Cape Verde responsible for what they call “the continued non-compliance with the binding order of December 2, 2020 issued by Cedeao”, in favor of those who call the plenipotentiary ambassador of Venezuela.

At the same time, and in its bid to have the Barranquillero recognized as a special ‘envoy’ of Venezuela, that country sent a statement to the federal court in Miami stating that defendant Saab held the title of special envoy as of 2018.

(You may be interested: After Biden’s file message, Maduro insists on Saab freedom)

But it is clear to federal agents that they set that date because they know that the last-minute ambassador appointment, revealed by EL TIEMPO in December 2020, is not retroactive and does not grant Saab immunity.

(See all files from the EL TIEMPO research unit here)

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