Alessandra Rosaldo exhibits the tomb at Aislinn Derbez’s house

Aislinn Derbez he shared on Instagram the stories that his father Eugenio Derbez and his wife Alessandra Rosaldo With whom he gets along very well, they went to visit her at home, receiving an extraordinary surprise.

Aislinn pointed out that Alessandra spends all her time washing frets “Because you do that?” Again, is this the only thing you do when you come to my house?

So the singer reacted immediately and on display that he had many frets dirty And he can’t live like that

Aislinn Derbez calls Alessandra exaggerated

“It’s just that if you don’t … I don’t understand how you can live like this, your kitchen is …”.

After the statements of the vocalist “Sentidos Opuestos”, Aislinn tried to justify himself by calling it exaggerated. “Don’t be exaggerated, I do what I can, I try to keep it as clean as possible, but washing dishes just doesn’t happen to me.”

Finally, Aislinn Derbez assured “You don’t think I’m a mother who has dishes everywhere. She is obsessive-compulsive about order and cleanliness. I am a normal person, nothing more normal, like any single mother with a daughter who destroys the house and even so I have her very beautiful ”.

Aislinn Derbez calls Alessandra exaggerated
