Alarm in New York after confirmation of the first case of the new strain of the virus

New York, United States.

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, confirmed the presence of the new British strain of the coronavirus in the region on Monday detected in a province of Saratoga, in the central part of the state.

“The laboratory of Wadsworth has the first case of the British variant (B.1.1.7) of the virus causing it covid“ad Cuomo nl la red social Twitter.

A person from Saratoga County, in NY, has given positive for this species “added the governor, however, noting that the person has not traveled Recently.

It is the fourth US state to detect the presence of the strain, which is considered the most contagious, next California, Florida and Colorado.

While it transfers more easily, experts have pointed out that it no longer appears virulent, and that is assumed to be vaccine developed by pharmaceutical it will also be effective against this variant.

“It doesn’t make people any sicker or cause more deathsthe US chief epidemiologist said in statements to the media this Sunday, Anthony Fauci.

See: Johnson issues new incarceration in the UK due to a pandemic

“Seems impossible to avoid protection what would you have of whats antibodies quand induce vaccines which we currently use, ”he added Fauci in reference to the information from which they have received British scientists, and that he pointed out, US experts have yet to confirm this.

The United States remains the most affected country pandemic, with 20.7 million confirmed cases and more than 352,000 died, according to the independent Earl of Johns Hopkins University. EFE
