After memes, they sell the Bernie Sanders doll for $ 40,000

A doll inspired by the famous Vermont Senator photo, Bernie SandersDuring the inauguration of the US President, it was auctioned for more than $ 40,000, money intended for a food aid program for needy seniors.

The creator of the crochet doll, Tobey King, was inspired by the image of Senator and former presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders seated during the president’s inauguration Joe Biden last January 20.

Sanders was caught wearing a thick jacket, wild hair and fluffy mittens knitted by a teacher from his state, which have become the talk of social media.

King auctioned his creation on eBay and promised that all the money raised would go to a charity.

Also read: “The Chubby Bernie”; Senator Bernie Sanders best foodie memes

The idea came to him when he saw the success Sanders’ image had at the inauguration, and for which multiple memes were made, and he wanted the money to go to Meal on Wheels, a nonprofit that Sanders has supported. in the past, providing food to needy seniors.

The doll, which mimics the now iconic pose of the progressive senator, was auctioned on Saturday for 99 cents, reaching $ 20,300 in just three days, the winning bid.

Given the success of the auction, the platform eBay pledged to donate the same amount of the winning bid to King’s chosen NGO, bringing the initiative to more than 40,000 in donations in just days.

Photo published by Tobey Perales King on the eBay platform. Forum: EFE

Senator Sanders has long been a supporter of Meals on Wheels and it is amazing to see that an unexpected moment when he becomes the center of attention inspires others to join forces in the fight against hunger and loneliness. our lives. Older, ”Jenny Young, a spokeswoman for the organization, said in a statement.

Sanders’ tent also started using the Senator’s image to sell sweatshirts during the inauguration, and all the money raised goes to the same charity.

