After Fire Emblem and Famicom Detective Club, what’s next for Nintendo’s Vault? – Feature

Shin Onigashima SFC (2)

Between the eclectic selection of NES and SNES games served as part of the Nintendo Switch Online subscription for everyone, Fire emblemthe long-awaited release (if limited in time) in English thirty years after its debut in Japanese and the upcoming remake of the Disc System adventure game Famicom Detective Club, it seems clear that Nintendo is not only capable, but also more than willing to make the effort to dive into its extensive catalog in search of old titles.

Whether it’s bringing these lost stones to a fresh international audience for the first time, or unearthing retro curiosities that deserve a head-to-toe recovery after decades of lingering on plastic plates and silicon chips, it seems like the age, genre or kind of game or the current obscurity apparently does not represent a barrier to its potential for re-release.

And this captivating behavior made us think: Nintendo having such an active interest in its history, what else could be on the horizon for Switch owners – and if we were given the keys to Nintendo safes, what would we do you choose to bring it back? Knowing the legendary Japanese company, the only honest answer is “Expect the unexpected“, But that doesn’t stop us from speculating …

We’ll start with something simple. Imagine a Nintendo sports package, bringing together all the oldest and simplest titles in the genre (Golf, Ice hockey, tennis, baseball, football, and so on) and then giving them an elegant facelift, from the familiar faces of Mario and his friends to the cutting-edge minimalism of generations of bits evenings – or even both, overturned at will.

With their simple settings, allowing entire matches to start and end quickly in pieces easily digested by unplanned time rules, almost universally understood (we must recognize that baseball is completely lost on us, but even we can let go through an 8-bit match) and multiplayer embedded in the very nature of the games, they would do like perfect lifting and playing game package; the digital equivalent of a quick kickabout with a friend in the park or a regular throw in the garden. I could see it becoming something like that Clubhouse Games or Ring Fit Adventure, the kind of title that no one would ever dream of asking for when there are more Zeldas waiting to be done, but the moment you have it at home, you wonder how you ever managed without an eternal collection of easy sports games that don’t expect you to buy an annual update at full prices or require a serious investment in time .

Another obvious choice is The Famicom Wars: We may be a few years too late to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of this once popular franchise, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter much, because any moment is the perfect time for a Famicom Wars /Super Famicom Wars double package. Never available outside of Japan in any official form, a launch of Early War history could serve a dual function as a playable piece of history, as well as an English language first in one.

If Famicom Detective Club proves to be a success that could easily pave the way for the launch of its cousin Famicom Disc System, Shin Onigashima. Launched on 8-bit Nintendo hardware in 1987 and ported to Super Famicom eleven years later, this extremely Japanese adventure game would leave a strong impression in any region due to its unusual subject matter and beautiful works of art. As it stands, an international release of any of the older versions in any language would be welcome, but a complete remake so stylized that it seems to be illustrated with fingerprints on wood would certainly be nothing short of incredible.

One of the most obscure hypothetical candidates for a switch change would be a review of Mario Artist concept, the series of creative, experienced utilities originally created for Nintendo’s N64 add-on, 64DD. With barriers to sharing creations, with the exception of missing ones, Nintendo could build a thriving online community of artists in the making of pixels and polygons, reintroducing creativity accessible to a new generation of gamers.
