“A star without the recognition she deserves, a practically forgotten actor”

3 | 09/04/2021 – 17:42 (GMT-4)

Cuban actor Erdwin Fernandez Collado he regretted the circumstances in which his colleague had lived his last years Frank González, who died this Friday at the age of 74 after suffering a stroke.

As Fernández said on his Facebook wall, the famous and popular actor did not enjoy the recognition he deserved and had fallen into oblivion “by those who do not believe”.

“Rest in peace, Frank González, excellent actor. Our respect. Elpidio manigüero is just one. Goodbye, compay!”

“A star without the recognition she deserves, an ACTOR practically forgotten by those who don’t believe and like to forget. From us, I repeat, our respect and admiration,” he concluded.

Frank González will remain in the public memory especially because he was the voice of the anime Elpidio Valdes, a role he began to play in 1978 and began a fruitful collaboration with the director, also deceased, Juan Padrón.

The actor has been away from the cameras for several years. One of his last public appearances was on October 24, when he went to the José Martí Memorial in Havana to receive National Television Award 2019.

The images taken on the spot showed that he suffers from a great deterioration of his health.

Photo: ICRT

Nicknamed “the man of a thousand voices”, González has given voice to dozens of characters in various animated productions made by the Cuban Institute of Art and Film Industry (ICAIC), such as Minutes, Vampires in Havana, Matojo, Besides Elpidio Valdes.

“I am very proud that when someone sees me on the street, they say to me: ‘Look, there goes Elpidio Valdés! “” He once told the portal. Cubacine.

He also called Japanese cartoons as Mazinger Z Yes voltns 5, which were exhibited in the 80s and 90s on the island.

The popular artist developed a vast career in Cuban television, radio and cinema, where he played different roles since 1969, when he began his acting career.

humorist Ulysses Toirac He offered his condolences on his Facebook wall.

“I just found out about Frank González’s death. Very sad. He was a great and total actor. Guilty of many of my TV enthusiasm, a lot of laughter and amazement,” he wrote.

“Thank you for leaving us the voice in the cartoons of our childhood,” the comedian commented. Ivan Camejo.

As announced by the Union of Cuban Writers and Artists, Frank González’s remains will be cremated at the request of his family.

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