8 things about Georgina Rodríguez that you may not have known!

The beautiful wife of professional footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, also known as CR7, is a beautiful Spanish model and businesswoman Georgina Rodriguez which practically immediately began to gain popularity due to its partner.

Although she managed to become a celebrity, the beautiful model managed to stand out on her own, due to her charisma and personality but, above all, it was due to her beautiful figure and angelic face.

Georgina Rodriguez She surprised more than one with her multiple talents, today she is a famous model and also a business woman, she launched her own clothing line that we are sure she managed to become extremely popular, as well as the designer its.

On February 19, 2019, a video was shared on a YouTube channel in which some things that many may not know about Spanish model, it was titled “8 curiosities of Georgina Rodríguez, the CR7 woman who were not told on Youtube”, if you want to see the video CLICK HERE, the video was distributed on the Alda Tuiran channel – the universe of cracks.

Below I will show you 8 things you did not know about Georgina RodrÍguez, wife of Cristiano Ronaldo “, part of the description of the video.

Among the comments of the video, which already has a little over 200 thousand reproductions, are beautiful words addressed to the model, who praises her beauty and personality.

I love Georgina, her beauty is natural, she keeps her beautiful black hair and she has a nice, loving figure with Ronaldo’s children. She is the perfect Cinderella who made her dream come true.

Here are some curiosities you probably didn’t know about Georgina Youth.



Although Georgina Rodriguez She is known because she is a model of Spanish origin, the truth is that she was born in Argentina on January 27, 1994, however she grew up in Spain despite this fact, she is proud of her roots, her father is from South America country and mother she is Spanish.


Independent woman

Despite the fact that the model now has everything she could want, before meeting her husband she had to work hard to achieve her dreams and without any regrets she commented in interviews about the jobs she had. had, babysitter, waitress and saleswoman, She is, without a doubt, an independent woman, maybe that’s why CR7 fell in love with her.


Professional ballerina?

Georgina Rodríguez admitted that she is fascinated by ballet, however she failed to fulfill her dream of becoming a professional dancer due to the development of her voluptuous figure, for 15 years she studied the discipline of ballet which taught her to work in a team and encourage the taste for the care of his figure and health.


She loves animals

Georgina Gio has constantly collaborated with various institutions to feed the animals on the street, loves animals and invests her time and money to help them have a better life.


He has a sister

The beautiful model and businesswoman has a sister who is a fundamental key in her life, because she always offers great support to her person, career and children, her name is Ivanna and she is two years older than Georgina, but just as beautiful as she is.



Thanks to over 23 million thousands of followers on Instagram, Georgina Rodríguez has become an influencer on social networks, currently follows only 502 people besides her husband and has about 536 posts per application.


Wedding with CR7

Many say the couple got married in secret because of the pandemic, their plans were apparently postponed a bit, but there are those who say they contracted clandestinely, and others mention that a wedding will actually take place, but did not mentioned the date.


Distance from family

Maybe not many knew, but Georgina Rodríguez left her father after being arrested and spent more than 10 years in prison, it is said that the model was very ashamed of what she had done, which is why she decided to move away from his own father, having to go through strong situations with his mother and sister when they were just children.
