Shigeru Miyamoto talks about his kids playing Sega games, career and more – My Nintendo News

Shigeru Miyamoto, a game designer, producer and director at Nintendo, recently participated in an interview with The New Yorker, where he talks about how he wants to create a kinder world, his children who played Sega games, his career and many other topics. Interesting. . Miyamoto also refers to how he instilled rules for his children when considering how long they play video games.

Miyamoto realizes that it is difficult for children to play games and says “Children feel that they cannot stop playing because the game is so much fun – this is something I can understand and sympathize with. It is important for parents to play the games, to understand why the child cannot give up until he reaches the next rescue point, for example. As for my own children, I was lucky that they always had a good relationship with video games. I never had to restrict them or take their games. “

Shigeru Miyamoto continues and explains how his children played Sega games, as well as Nintendo games, while shedding light on the disciplines in his household: “It is important to remember that in our household, all the hardware for video games I he belonged and the children understood that he was borrowing these things. If they couldn’t follow the rules, then there was an agreement that I could take their car. [Laughs.] When the weather was good outside, we always encouraged them to play outside. By the way, they played a lot of Sega games. “

And for those wondering what Sega games in particular, their choices were Out Run and Space Harrier. Interestingly, when asked if he was jealous, Miyamoto replied: [Laughs.] “I’m not jealous, but inspired to try harder, so they prefer the ones I made.”

You can read the full interview here. It’s a long read, but it offers an interesting perspective on Shigeru Miyamoto’s life, especially since he’s not the one who usually talks to the media.

